Table containing surface plates related to easements of category AC4 (Urban Architectural and Landscape Heritage Protection Area) in Haut-Rhin

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2018.01.29 00:00
Available languages
ac4, patrimoine architectural urbain paysager, données ouvertes, zone de protection, servitude, sup
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Category AC4 easements relate to architectural, urban and landscape heritage protection areas and architectural and heritage areas. Protection zones for architectural, urban and landscape heritage (ZPPAUP): Established by Articles 69 to 72 of Law No 83-8 of 7 January 1983 on the division of powers between municipalities, departments, regions and the State, the ZPPAUPs were intended to define areas built or not around historical monuments and in the neighbourhoods, sites and spaces to be protected or developed for aesthetic, historical or cultural reasons. Within these areas, special architectural and landscape requirements were laid down for construction, demolition, deforestation, alteration and alteration of the appearance of buildings. These areas are now evolving into “Areas of Enhancement of Architecture and Heritage”. Architectural and Heritage Development Areas (AVAP): Article 28 of Law No 2010-788 of 12 July 2010 on a national commitment for the environment, known as the Grenelle II Law, introduced the AVAP system which, without calling into question its founding principles, now replaces that of the ZPPAUPs. The aim of this new scheme is to develop a new approach to the qualitative management of the territories by integrating the sustainable development objectives into the heritage and urban approach of the ZPPAUP. The Law of 12 July 2010 established a period of 5 years, from the date of its entry into force, for the municipalities to substitute AVAPs for the ZPPAUP. During this period, the ZPPAUPs continue to produce their legal effects. In the ZPPAUPs still in force and in AVAPs, works having the object or effect of transforming or modifying the appearance of a building, whether built or not, are subject to prior authorisation, which may be accompanied by special requirements. This resource describes the surface plates of Grade AC4 easements confused with generators, namely a heritage of cultural, architectural, urban, landscape, historical or archaeological interest to be protected: — quarters, — urban and natural spaces — historical monuments — archaeological deposits
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