Aardeid colonies in Haute-Garonne

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.08.16 12:19
Available languages
territoire, faune, environnement, transition-ecologique, biodiversite
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This dataset provides a list of the species present in the sites of the colonies of [ardéids](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ardeidae) observed, along the Garonnais corridor, in the communes of the Haute-Garonne department. It also incorporates information on the various regulations in progress, by site: [Natura 2000](http://www.natura2000.fr/), [Regional Natural Reserve](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%A9serve_naturelle_r%C3%A9gionale) (RNR) and [Prefectural Order for Biotope Protection] (APPB). This data comes from the document entitled **Monitoring of aardidae colonies on the Garonian corridor — Balance Sheet 2020-2021** produced by [Nature en Occitanie](http://www.naturemp.org/). This document is available for download in the Attachments section. The Conseil départemental de la Haute-Garonne and the association Nature en Occitanie are partners for the preservation and enhancement of biodiversity in Upper-Garonne territory. This partnership is particularly strengthened on the Garonne axis through the Departmental Conservatory of [wetlands](https://data.haute-garonne.fr/explore/dataset/zones-humides-sig/information/) and the animation of the Grand Site Natura 2000 in Occitanie. * * * _ **for more information**_ * **Natura 2000:** the Natura 2000 network favours the collective search for a balanced and sustainable management of spaces. It aims to promote the maintenance of Europe-wide biodiversity on natural or semi-natural sites while taking into account economic, social and cultural requirements. It is composed of sites designated by each of the Member States on the basis of the European Directives **Birds** and **Habitats Faune Flore** according to specific criteria of ecological interest and sometimes scarcity. * **Regional Nature Reserve:** a nature reserve is a regulatory protection of a remarkable natural or geological heritage. This status effectively protects biological and geological issues through adapted regulation of activities and dedicated management. Regional Nature Reserves are created by the Regions, which entrust their management to managing bodies (collectivities, associations...). * **prefectural Protection Order of Biotope:** PDBs or APPBs are administrative acts taken to preserve the habitats of protected species, the biological balance or the functionality of the environment. Depending on their content, these by-laws may therefore have the effect of prohibiting, where appropriate, certain actions prior to construction or development which may affect the ecological balance of the environment. * * * ** _Use links_** * [the Natura 2000 Resource Centre in France](http://www.natura2000.fr/) * [Natura 2000 on the website of the Conseil départemental de la Haute-Garonne](https://www.haute-garonne.fr/service/natura-2000) * [the official website of the Grand Site Garonne en Occitanie](http://garonne-midi-pyrenees.n2000.fr/decouvrir-natura-2000)(http://garonne-midi-pyrenees.n2000.fr/decouvrir-natura-2000) * [Joint Union for Garonne Studies and Development (SMEAG)](https://www.smeag.fr/les-sites-natura-2000-de-la-garonne.html) * [Regional Natural Reserves](https://www.reserves-naturelles.org/fonctionnement/reserves-naturelles-regionales) (https://www.reserves-naturelles.org/fonctionnement/reserves-naturelles-regionales) * [Regional Natural Reserves in Occitania](https://www.laregion.fr/RNR-Occitanie#:~:text=de%20page-,Les%20RNR%20en%20Occitanie,65\)%20 %3A%205 %20144 %20ha) * [the Regional Natural Reserve Confluence Garonne-Ariège](https://rnr-confluence-garonne-ariege.fr/) * [CEREMA — Climate and territories of tomorrow](http://outil2amenagement.cerema.fr/les-arretes-de-protection-de-biotope-apb-ou-appb-r451.html) * [Regional Directorate for Environment, Planning and Housing of Occitanie (DREAL)](https://www.occitanie.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/protection-des-biotopes-r8621.html) * [green and blue — Resource Centre](https://www.trameverteetbleue.fr/outils-methodes/donnees-mobilisables/arretes-prefectoraux-protection-biotope-appb)
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