Access to graphic documents and written documents of the PLU file, by municipality, via the website of the PLU of the Métropole de Lyon

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.03.26 00:06
Available languages
localisation, occupationdusol, urbanisme
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The PLU of the Métropole de Lyon is drawn up on the initiative and under the responsibility of the Métropole de Lyon in consultation with the municipalities that compose it. Its content is defined by the Urbanism Code. A soil management tool, the Local Urban Planning Plan (PLU) organises the living environment inside the Lyon Metropolis. He draws the face of the city of tomorrow by reconciling the local, communal and urban interests of Lyon. It is a regulatory tool, which defines and regulates land use throughout the metropolitan territory. It covers all plots, whether private or public. It determines in particular the rights to be built and the conditions of development attached to each parcel of a municipality. This legal document, of general application, is binding on all individuals and administrations. It serves as a mandatory reference for the examination of applications for occupancy and use of land, such as building permits. These data posted online because of their digital character have no legal value and are not enforceable against third parties. Only the paper file approved by deliberation of the community council is enforceable against the third party. The limit scale of use of the data recommended is the 1/2000th
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