* Active Solidarity Income (RSA) — national level

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.11.07 00:00
Available languages
rsa, api, si003, caf, smic, cnaf, national, rmi
Quality scoring

Dataset description

__ The definitive data observed for a month of entitlement are extracted with a decrease of 6 months. Semi-definitive data (prefixed files [SD]) observed for one month of entitlement are extracted with a decrease of 2 months. __ National enumeration of recipient households with a paid entitlement to Active Solidarity Income (RSA). Until 1 January 2016 the RSA is paid monthly on the basis of the resources of the previous quarter Entry into force on 1 June 2009 in metropolitan France and on 1 January 2011 in the overseas departments, this benefit replaces the minimum insertion income (MIR) and the single parent allowance (API) for persons deprived of employment. It provides a financial incentive for people with no resources who return to work (the RSA guarantees someone who returns to work that their income increases). Finally, it complements the resources of people whose professional activity only provides them with limited income. The RSA is paid as long as the beneficiary’s income is less than the maximum amount of the RSA. The amount paid may vary if the family, work and household resources change. Until 2016 the RSA consists of three components: the RSA base, the RSA base and activity and the RSA activity. Thus, the RSA covers a large population, as it concerns both households with no resources, as well as persons receiving income from activity close to SMIC. Depending on its level of activity income, a household is either a beneficiary of the ‘baseline RSA’, the ‘base and activity RSA’ or the ‘RAS activity alone’. A recipient of the ‘baseline RSA’ has no income from activity (however, in the event of a resumption of activity, the beneficiary may accumulate wages and allowance for three months). The beneficiaries of the ‘base and activity RSA’ have low activity income and all their resources are less than the flat-rate amount. Until 2016 the young RSA public concerns young people under 25 years of age who are isolated and without dependent children and paid on condition of previous activity (two years in the last three years). From 1 January 2016, creation of the Activity Award. New scheme replacing the employment bonus and the RSA activity and young RSA aimed at encouraging activity by supporting the smallest workers. The main national data on active solidarity income (ASR) in terms of beneficiaries, expenditure and developments are made available every three months via the electronic journal [Spanish RSA] (http://www.caf.fr/presse-institutionnel/recherche-et-statistiques/publications/rsa-conjoncture). More detailed information on RSA is available on caf.fr by clicking on [link](https://www.caf.fr/aides-et-services/s-informer-sur-les-aides/solidarite-et-insertion/) The geographical field of observation of the dataset corresponds to the management CAF to which the recipient household is attached in the statistical file of the recipients, at the time of extraction (approximately 6 weeks after the end of the observed month). * labeled by the Public Statistics Authority
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