Addresses concerned by the Fourth Operation for Improving Degraded Habitat in Paris

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2020.02.29 06:51
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society, passerelle-inspire
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Dataset description

The L_OAHD4_ADRESSE_075 table identifies and geolocates the addresses involved in the Fourth Degraded Habitat Improvement Operation. Launched in 2016, the fourth Operation for Improving Degraded Habitat (OAHD) is one of the measures put in place by the City of Paris to act punctually on buildings identified as degraded. More information: — on the website of the City of Paris: — on the ANAH website: __Origin__ SOURCE OF DATA Source data: address lists provided by the operators of the City of Paris — Urbanis and Soliha PARIS.HAUTS DE SEINE.VAL D’OISE — via the DRIHL IF/UD 75. In the table of attributes above, fields marked “[UDEA75]” have been added by PECT as part of geolocation. GEOLOCATION METHOD The file is geolocated by association to each record of a geo-referenced point-address from the database of addresses of the City of Paris (BAVP), published on under license ODbL, news October 2017. The geolocation modalities of each record are specified by the surv field. The address used for geolocation, known as ‘reference address’, has been determined as far as possible by correcting the num_voie_s, typ_voie_s and channel_src fields of the source file. When this field contained multiple addresses, one of them was arbitrarily chosen. A surv value equal to 1 means that the standardised address (limited to the first track number if there were more than one) found an exact match in the address repository. This is automated processing with a good level of reliability. A surv value equal to 2 means that a match was found on the basis of the first track number, track type, and a set of words characteristic of one of the referential addresses. This is automated processing with a level of reliability slightly lower than an exact match, as characteristic words in one given repository might not be processed in another. However, a visual check was carried out on the results obtained to confirm their validity. A surv value equal to 3 means that a match was found on the basis of the first track number and a set of words characteristic of one of the referential addresses. Failure to take into account the type of track reduces the reliability of the treatment, however a visual check was carried out on the results obtained to confirm their validity. The values 4, 5 and 6 surv are equivalent to 1, 2 and 3 respectively, but with a channel number other than the first number that appeared in the source address. When all the above automated processing has remained unsuccessful, geolocation required a manual resumption of the address. A surv value equal to 7 indicates that geolocation could be carried out after a simple formal correction of the address, i.e. a change in the spelling of the track label so that it corresponds to a reference label. This method has a very good level of reliability. When surv takes value 8, the track label was known in the repository, but not with the track number entered in the source file. Geolocation was carried out on a number adjacent to the same route which, after consulting additional sources (visual analysis of address plates, land files...), appeared to be effectively adapted to locate the recording spatially. The reliability of this method is average, considering that it leads to uncertainty about the exact location of the building. When surv takes the value of 9, geolocation was impossible on the basis of the address entered in the source file. The geolocation address is deduced from other sources (visual analysis of address plates, land files...) that made it possible to identify the building concerned with a low risk of error. However, the level of reliability of this geolocation remains comparatively lower. Records for which surv is 10 are not geolocated. __Partner organisations__ DDT Cher, Regional and interdepartmental directorate of l’' equipment and services; development Île-de-France — Paris Departmental Unit __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( [See this page on](
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