Addresses extracted from the cadastre

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Provided by etalab

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.07.19 10:06
Available languages
cadastre, numeros, voies, adresses, communes, positions
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This dataset contains all the addresses extracted from the cadastre files (plan and file of built plots). It is produced by the Etalab mission, by reprocessing the extracted data, as part of the preparation of the National Address Base (BAN), of which it is a primary source. <!--- EXCERPT --> #### Presentation The DGFiP built parcel file contains the list of premises listed for local tax purposes, which are associated with cadastral parcels, and possibly real or fictitious addresses. The computerised cadastral plan contains the geometry of the cadastral plots, and possibly the positions of track numbers, attached to these plots. It also contains place names, graphically represented. This dataset is the result of the complex operation of these files. It is presented in the form of unit addresses, qualified thanks to several source data sets explained below. Please note addresses associated exclusively with places that are not part of the local tax base are not present in this file (in particular certain public places). #### A few numbers * 24.1 million assumed real or fictitious addresses * of which 24.0 million geo-referenced addresses * of which 22.7 million useful addresses (house, trade, tourism, industry...) * of which 20.2 million addresses are assumed to be real If we wish to combine the above criteria, we arrive at **19.5 million addresses**. #### Update frequency This dataset is produced every major update of one of its sources, or algorithms. — Each (quarterly) update of the cadastral plan allows for improved path names and addresses positions. — Each (annual) update of the MAJIC file increases the number of addresses (new construction, new addresses known to the tax services). — Each update of the FANTOIR file (quarterly) allows for improved path names and identifiers. #### Coverage This dataset covers metropolitan France, as well as the overseas departments and regions, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthelemy. He doesn't have the ambition to be exhaustive. Only municipalities with a cadastral plan have geo-positioned addresses. The few missing municipalities will be added later. The overseas communities of Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthelemy are present and historically integrated into the department of Guadeloupe (971). #### Lexicon * Fictitious or pseudo-address: address that has been arbitrarily attributed by Public Finance services for technical reasons * Main destination of an address: main use of the premises that make up this address (among housing, commerce, industry, tourism, equipment, dependencies, construction site, unknown) * Useful address: address associated with relevant premises (housing, commerce, industry, tourism) #### Available distributions These files are available in 3 formats: — CSV (only useful addresses, BAL 1.1 compatible) — GeoJSON (only useful addresses, and with a position) — NDJSON (full data, including intermediate results, mainly for advanced use) ####Data schema [External link]( #### Source code The source code for producing the dataset is available at [GitHub]( Although under the MIT license, it cannot be used without the MAJIC file, which is not open. We are thinking about introducing an intermediate step that will allow everyone to replay the essentials of the script and thus contribute to it. #### Sources — [cadastre (Etalab)]( — [Computerised Cadastral Plan]( — [Official Geographical Code]( — [FANTOIR file of lanes and places]( — MAJIC file (cadastral matrix, tax secret)
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