Aerial orthophotograph 2020 on Rennes Métropole

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.11.16 11:00
Available languages
referentiels-geographiques, photographie, photographie-aerienne
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This aerial orthophotograph was carried out by the Institut Geographique National et Forestier (IGNF) on the basis of aerial shots made in the summer of 2020. It was designed with very short production times. The orthorectification process (geometric correction of shots to adapt to variations in the terrain) is essentially automatic. Its technical characteristics are constrained by this strong requirement. \- Projection used for data acquisition: Lambert 93/IGN69 \- Initial data delivered in Lambert 93 \- Planimetric accuracy class of data: unknown \- Resolution native: 20 cm \- Recovery: unknown \-Delivery in the form of tiles of 1 km x 1 km \- Syntax used for the name of tiles: XXXX_YYYY, from X-Y coordinates in RGF93-CC48 \- Dates of the shots: 07/08/2020, 13/09/2020, 14/09/2020 This dataset consists of 1974 slabs of 1 km x 1 km for a volume of about 67 GB in JPEG 2000 format (JP2). The 20 cm JP2 slabs in the territory of Rennes Métropole can be downloaded individually from Rennes Métropole’s Open Data site. For performance issues, it is advisable to use, in descending order of priority (and depending on software possibilities): 1\. GeoWebcache’s WMTS or TMS services cached services 2\. the WMS service of GeoWebcache 3\. the WMS service of the GeoServer
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