Dataset information
Available languages
passerelle-inspire, planning-cadastre, bruits, agregations, donnees-ouvertes, tarn, geoidecarto, nuisance-bruit
Dataset description
Aggregation of generic tables describing Noise Zones, for infrastructure, type d' infrastructure concerned ROUTE (R), card type C and index Ln.
Road infrastructure concerned:
A68, C1_albi, C1_castres, D100, D1012, D13, D612, D622, D630, D631, D69, D800, D81, D84, D87, D88, D912, D926, D968, D988, D999A, D999, N112, N126, N88
Limit value exceedance cards (or " type c & quot cards;)
cards to be made within the framework of the CBS pursuant to Article 3-II-1°-c of the decree of 24 March 2006. These are two maps representing, for the year in which the maps are drawn up, the areas where the limit values in Ln are exceeded.
noise level indicator for the night period (22h-6h).
Aggregation obtained by the QGIS MIZOGEO plugin made available by CEREMA.
Source of data by infrastructure: CEREMA.
The noise levels emitted by a given infrastructure during an average day are evaluated using numerical models producing isophone curves translated into noise zones, according to the; index recommended for all modes of transport at European level, namely the Lden index and l' index Ln.The isophone curves, described by the resource N_BRUIT_ISOPHONE_L thus serve to delimit the external borders and, where appropriate, internal noise zones by range of #x27; indices.
Isophone curves by noise source and acoustic index, described by resource N_BRUIT_ISOPHONE_L for a given reference year Administrative act of n°#x27; approval of strategic noise maps by the Prefect
Benchmarks used: BDTOPO, INSEE, MAJIC, CLC
__Partner organisations__
DDT Tarn
__Links annexes__
* [XML metadata view](
* [COVADIS data standard: Table describing Noise Areas of (to be completed)(
* [basic URL of wms/wfs services on the Internet](
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