Alignment plans (linear) generators of category EL7 (Alignment of public roads) in Eure-et-Loir (28)

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2020.02.28 06:48
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passerelle-inspire, donnees-ouvertes, el-7, plan-dalignement, alignements, planning-cadastre
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Dataset description

Category EL7 easements relate to highway alignment easements. Alignment is the determination by the administrative authority of the boundary of the public road domain to the law of riparian properties. It is fixed either by an alignment plan or by an individual alignment order. It constitutes, for the authority responsible for the road concerned, a means of protection against encroachments of riparian properties. The easements of public utility are derived from the plan of alignment. It makes it possible to modify the base of public roads by moving the pre-existing boundaries and thus constitutes a legal means of widening and modernising public roads. On the other hand, individual alignment can only recognise the limit of the public road domain in relation to riparian properties. Alignment orders, which are purely declarative and non-rights-creating acts, are issued in accordance with the plan d' alignment s' there is one, or otherwise, at the de facto limit of the track. The plan d' alignment has different consequences depending on whether the properties are built or not. — For unbuilt land, upon publication, the plan assigns ownership to the community that owns the track. Parcels of unbuilt land are immediately classified in the public domain of the community that owns the track. At the time of transfer of ownership, the indemnity is, in the absence of #x27; amicable agreement, fixed and paid as in matters of expropriation. — For built land, the soil of the built properties will be assigned as soon as the building is destroyed. In addition, they are struck by a reversal easement which assumes for the owner: • l\#x27; prohibition to proceed, on the part affected by #x27; alignment, at #x27; construction of any new construction (servitude non aedificandi). However, special rules relating to protrusions, i.e. certain decorative or utilitarian parts of the public highway, are laid down in by-laws of the prefect, the president of the general council or the mayor, according to that, it is #x27; it is #x27;a national road, of #x27; a departmental road or a municipal road. These decrees set the maximum dimensions of the authorised projections. • l#x27; prohibition of #x27; perform all comfort work on buildings struck by #x27; alignment (non-comfortandi service). This prohibition does not apply; it does not apply; it s' is a building classified as a historical monument. Landowners of public roadways have a priority for the acquisition of parcels under the right of their property and decommissioned as a result of; a change in the route of these lanes, of the #x27th; opening of #x27; a new track or a modification of the #x27th route; alignment. The transfer price is estimated, in the absence of amicable agreement, as in the case of expropriation. This resource describes the linear generators of the EL7 easements, i.e. highways. __Origin__ — Thematic source: state of Heritage of Geographical Data Used in the Porter-to-Knowledge of the State (PAC) D'an Autocad file scanned on SCAN25, at DDT28/SAUH/BPAT, calibrated on BDTopo and verified with some paper planes from CG28 or municipalities (choice of linear representation by DDT28) __Partner organisations__ DDT Eure-et-Loir __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [COVADIS data standard: Alignment of public roads generating servitudes EL7]( [See this page on](
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