Analysis of the level of connection between natural environments in Brittany (regional scheme of ecological coherence of Brittany)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.01.24 13:21
Available languages
tvb, biota, donnees-ouvertes, passerelle-inspire, trame-verte-et-bleue, reservoirs-de-biodiversite, bretagne, connexions, habitats-et-biotopes, milieu-naturel, corridors-ecologiques, patrimoine-naturel-autres, srce
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Dataset description

Raster map of the minimum cost of travel to reach a natural area for wildlife in Brittany. The map can be read as a relief map of the ease/difficulty of joining a natural space. The data was performed for reading and use at 1/100 000th. Under no circumstances can it be used on a more precise scale. __Origin__ Raster map resulting from a calculation of ‘minimum cumulative cost’ between the natural elements of the compilation of land cover, GIP Bretagne Environnement, 2013. The minimum cumulative cost is calculated between target elements, based on a roughness raster. Target elements (coefficient of roughness 0): afforestation of hardwoods; afforestation of conifers; Landes, lawns, peat bogs; long-term grassland; water surfaces; juvenile pre-forest filling; mature pre-forest fillings; estran; estuary; natural habitats of heritage value on the coast; natural habitats of heritage interest to be confirmed on the coast. Roughness matrix — Fairly permeable elements (coefficient of roughness 1): Vegetation (without heath) of the BD TOPO IGN which intersects the land use class Costel ‘Temporary crops and grasslands’ (code 25) — Low permeable elements (coefficient of roughness 7): Temporary crops and grasslands; highly anthropogenic habitats on the coast — Non-permeable element (coefficient of roughness 50): artificialised surfaces; non-natural land use on the coast The minimum cumulative cost values were then grouped into 6 potential classes, corresponding to the 6 values of the raster: — value 1 (CCM values 0 to 1) — value 2 (CCM values from 1 to 40) — value 3 (CCM values from 40 to 100) — value 4 (CCM values from 100 to 200) — value 5 (CCM values from 200 to 300) — value 6 (CCM &gt values; 300) The treatments were carried out with the GRASS software and the r.cost module for the minimum cumulative cost. For more information, see SRCE Report No. 2. __Partner organisations__ Observatory of l’' environment in Brittany, DREAL Bretagne, Brittany Region __Links annexes__ * []( * [connection_between_milieux_naturals]( * [consultation]( [See this page on](
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