Areas affected by noise from the main road infrastructure in Haute-Savoie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.03.20 18:34
Available languages
transportation, donnees-ouvertes, transports-infrastructure-routie, nuisance-bruit
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Areas affected by noise, fixed by the Prefect pursuant to Article R571-32 of the code of l' environment (noise classification of tracks), on both sides of the major transport infrastructure on the department. __Origin__ MapInfo table provided by CEREMA (centre d' studies and d' expertise on risks, the environment, mobility and development) of Lyon for publication of the classification in the form of an interactive map on Cartélie. Creation with MapInfo software d'a buffer (or buffer) around the objects of the table “L_CLASSEMENT_SONORE_ROUTE_L_074”, from the distance indication provided in the column “Width_sector”. We create d' first a buffer for each road object, then we create a global buffer that is the union of all buffers. __Partner organisations__ DDT 74 (Departmental Directorate of the Territories of Upper Savoie) __Links annexes__ * [HTML view of metadata on the Internet]( * [XML metadata view]( * [access to the single download service of the game and associated documents]( * [associated download service]( * [direct download of game and related documents](
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