Areas and Release Areas related to PT2 easements (Radio Reception Centres) in Eure-et-Loir (28)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.28 06:48
Available languages
geoscientific-information, donnees-ouvertes, passerelle-inspire
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Dataset description

A bondage is the spatial field (i.e., the geographical area) to the #x27; within which s' applies the servitude. This space field can be defined either in 2D or 3D in particular in the specific cases of airport release easements, radio transmission centre protection easements.L'base includes primary clearance zones, secondary clearance zones, special clearance zones and areas of clearance.The maximum distance between the limit of #x27; a radio centre and the perimeter of the servitude zones may not exceed:- 2,000 metres in the case of #x27; a secondary clearance zone;- 400 metres in the case of #x27; a primary clearance zone surrounding an aeronautical safety facility or a radio-goniometric centre;- 200 metres in the case of #x27; a primary clearance zone surrounding a centre other than those mentioned above;- 5,000 metres in the case of #x27; a clearance area.The maximum width of #x27;a special clearance zone protecting a radio link, between two fixed points counted perpendicularly to the radio wave path axis may not exceed 50 meters on both sides and d' other of the ellipsoid of the hertzian beam. In practice, the beam is assimilated to a band and l' plate shall not exceed 50 m on either side and d'other of the axis.The maximum width of\#x27; a clearance area protecting a radio-tracking or radionavigation station shall not exceed the width of the angular sector explored by the station, increased, if necessary; there is a safety margin of d' a safety margin of not more than one degree beyond the two limits of this area. __Origin__ The boundaries of a zone d’#x27;aira are represented on the map of hazards according to the level of l'random. In other words, polygon objects representing zones d'random form a partial coverage of the studied area of which each cover element is a closed polygon in which hazards have the same level of ' intensity. In other words, the criterion for cutting the zones d'random is the level of l'random. __Partner organisations__ DDT Eure-et-Loir __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [COVADIS data standard: Zone d'aira d'a PPRN]( [See this page on](
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