Areas exposed to the noise of the municipal roads of Thouars at night (Ln) in Deux-Sèvres

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.29 06:42
Available languages
donnees-ouvertes, transportation, nuisance-bruit, passerelle-inspire
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The European Directive on Strategic Noise Maps requires at least the representation of global noise indicators Lden and Ln, for each source. These indicators correspond to the incident noise on the facades. The indicators represented are expressed in dB(A) and reflect a notion of overall discomfort or health risk. The data represents areas exposed to noise from land transport infrastructure at night (Ln) at l'aide d’#x27;isophones plotted by step of 5 dB(A) from 50 dB(A). The most concerned municipal road is the Avenue Emile Zola in Thouars The Ln is the average sound level that isolates the night period (22h-6h). It may be associated with the risk of sleep disturbances. Articles L572-1 to 11 of the Code de l' Environment laying down various provisions of; adaptation to Community law in the field of the Environment and the texts of #x27; Applications (Decree No 2006-361 of 24 March 2006, Decree of 4 April 2006 and Circular of 7 June 2007 on the issue of noise maps and noise prevention plans in the field of environment) provide for the indicators, methods of calculation to be used and results I'm waiting. __Origin__ The Lden and Ln indicators are evaluated at a height of 4 m. The calculation method shall be in accordance with NF-S-31-133 (Calculation of l’' attenuation of sound during its propagation in an outdoor environment, including weather effects). The data have been ordered by DDT 79 from offices d'studies. __Partner organisations__ DDT Deux-Sèvres __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( [See this page on](
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