AZI — Crus of the atlas of flood zones in the department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.29 06:47
Available languages
passerelle-inspire, zones-a-risque-naturel, geoscientific-information, donnees-ouvertes
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The table L_AZI_CRUE_S_064 consists of the right-of-way polygons of flood surfaces characterised by flood frequencies: — 02: very frequent flood (annual order); — 30: 100-year flood — 03: frequent flood (return from 5 to 15 years); — 40: ten-year flood — 04: exceptional flood. Studies carried out in ten phases between 1994 and 2008. (See associated documents pdf). This map aims to inform citizens and decision-makers about the risk of flooding. It has no regulatory scope and cannot replace a planning document or a Risk Prevention Plan (RPP). Nevertheless, it allows citizens and officials, elected or administrative, to better appreciate the extent of areas that pose a significant risk of flooding or promote water sprawl. It is an information and decision-making tool. It cannot be ignored in particular when drawing up urban planning documents and explaining them.This map may be reproduced, except for commercial purposes. It plots the contours of areas whose probability of ' annual flooding is 1/10 (crude ten-year) and the probability of #x27; annual flooding is 1/100 (crue centenal). The approach used combines hydrology (the knowledge of rivers and the dynamics of their flow) and river geomorphology (analysis of the forms of the relief of the valley bottom). All available data were taken into account and analysed: studies, archives, hydrological information...Another limitation of the study is the type of flood studied: the overflow of the watercourse. Floods have not been mapped by rising water table or of the type of urban storm runoff. The presence of water in the bottom of the bowl, a doline for example, is another natural hydrological phenomenon and is therefore not carried on this map. __Origin__ The boundaries of a zone d’#x27;aira are represented on the map of hazards according to the level of l'random. In other words, polygon objects representing zones d'random form a partial coverage of the studied area of which each cover element is a closed polygon in which hazards have the same level of ' intensity. In other words, the criterion for cutting the zones d'random is the level of l'random. __Partner organisations__ DDTM Pyrénées-Atlantiques __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [COVADIS data standard: Zone d'aira d'a PPRN]( [See this page on](
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