AZI of the Erdre Valley — Anthropogenic linear elements modifying hydrodynamics — Loire-Atlantique and Maine-et-Loire

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.01.24 06:38
Available languages
passerelle-inspire, risques-naturels, ddtm-44, zones-a-risque-naturel, loire-atlantique, donnees-ouvertes, open-data, geoscientific-information, grand-public
Quality scoring

Dataset description

These data represent the anthropogenic elements of land use that may play a role in the hydraulic operation of the modern alluvial plain. It is; is a linear object. The study area covers the whole Erdre basin; covering 53 municipalities and two departments, Maine-et-Loire (49) and Loire-Atlantique (44). Within this perimeter, all flood zones are taken into account, as well as confluences with tributaries and side valleys. __Origin__ L' study led by the DIREN Pays de la Loire applies to the global linear of Don, Dear and &Isac the hydrogeomorphological method for determining flood zones. This naturalistic approach based on the analysis of the forms and formations of valley bottoms makes it possible to identify the different beds of the river. It is complemented by research on historical flood archives. L' analysis s' supports the geomorphological interpretation of#x27; stereoscopic coverage of aerial photos validated by field checks. Hydrogeomorphological study consists of maps of inundability carried out on the scales of 1/25.000e and 1/10 000e for the areas at stake;L'set being carried over to a monochrome background consisting of SCAN 25 of l'I.G.N. __Partner organisations__ DDTM Loire-Atlantique __Links annexes__ * [Atlas-des-zones-inondables-de-la-vallee-de-l-Erdre]( [See this page on](
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