BD Forest ®

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Dataset information

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2021.09.24 15:28
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Dataset description

[enter the image description here] ( “enter the title of the image here”) * * BD Forest ® V1 * * The BD Forêt ® version 1, the predecessor of the BD Forêt ® version 2, was produced by photo-interpretation of colour-infrared aerial images. The minimum surface area mapped is 2.25 ha. The BD Forêt ® version 1 presents the soil cover (by describing the structure and the dominant composition of wooded or natural formations) on the basis of a departmental classification which varies from about fifteen to around sixty jobs depending on the forest diversity of the mapped department. Until 2006, it is made up of departmental entrances and is available throughout metropolitan France. For more than half of the departments, several versions of the BD Forêt ® version 1 are available. * * BD Forest ® V2 * * The BD Forêt ® version 2 was developed between 2007 and 2018 by photo-interpretation of colour infrared images of the BD ortho ®. It assigns a type of plant formation to each mapped range of more than 5 000 m². Its main features are as follows: — a national classification of 32 posts based on a hierarchical breakdown of criteria, distinguishing, for example, pure stands from the main forest species of the French forest; — a type of plant formation allocated to each mapped range of 50 ares or more; — a layer that is geometrically compatible with RGE ® and therefore fully consistent with the vegetation layer of the TOPO ® BD. Produced by departmental entrances, the BD Forêt ® version 2 is available throughout metropolitan France.
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