Bicycle portions belonging to the network of bicycle routes and greenways in the Vosges department

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.08.18 06:38
Available languages
passerelle-inspire, transportation, donnees-ouvertes, reseaux-de-transport, velo
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Dataset description

Bicycle routes and greenways are covered by a national policy pursued by the Ministry of Ecology in favour of the development of cycling and cycling.A portion of a cycle route is part of a cycle route specifically identified for its particular role in relation to this main route.Four types of cycling portion characterise the main cycle route: a stage is a cycling portion with a tourist purpose: it is sized to ride by bike in one day and connects two localities offering services to cyclists.a variant is a portion of a cycle route that represents a recommended alternative between two bifurcations of a main route (each fork is spotted by a reference point of the network. It avoids, for example, a difficulty or passes through a point of interest.A portion observed is the portion of a cycle route on which a meter measures cycling traffic.a temporary deviation is a short-distance route fork, provisionally set up to avoid a black dot of the main route such as a temporarily insurmountable area by bike or an exceptionally closed passage to traffic.A cycle route consists of an orderly collection of steps that can be traveled in one day. __Origin__ Defined as a complex object without geometry, a portion of a cycle route is a complex object without geometry corresponding to the aggregate of a continuous set of cycle segments. __Partner organisations__ DDT Vosges __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [the cycling network in the Vosges department]( * [COVADIS data standard: Bicycles and Greenways]( [See this page on](
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