Budgets Voted — Special States of Arrondissements 2009-2017

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.11.28 18:05
Available languages
administration-et-finances-publiques, finances, dfa, budget
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The expenditure and revenue of each district council (revenue and expenditure corresponding to the local equipment they manage or which are made available to them for the exercise of their powers) are detailed in a document called the “special state of borough” which is annexed to the budget of the City of Paris (Article L. 2511-37 of the CGCT). The Law of 27 February 2002 also opened for the special state of each district an investment section (Article L. 2511-16 paragraph 5 of the CGCT). To the exclusion of any other revenue (the boroughs do not have the capacity to raise the tax), the operating revenues of the borough councils have so far been made up of a single allocation, called the global allocation. The Act of 27 February 2002, by modifying the title of the overall staffing which becomes the “local management” staffing, also created a new operating allocation for the borough councils, namely the “local animation” endowment (Article L. 2511-38 amended of the CGCT). The purpose of the local management allocation (formerly global allocation) is therefore to enable the boroughs to meet the needs of the local facilities for which they are responsible. The Law on Proximity Democracy has also created a new endowment for local animation. The dataset shall contain, for a given financial year, all amounts voted by budget imputation. **Name of column** | **Description** —|— Accounting year | Year concerned Arrondissement | — Budget Section (I/F) | Expenditure or Revenue under the Operating Section or the Investment Section Meaning (Expenditure/Revenue) | Indicate whether it is expenditure or revenue Type of operation (R/O/I/M) | Specifies whether this is actual expenditure (type R) or order expenditure (type I/O/M). The latter do not cause any disbursement (for expenditure) or collection (for revenue) Type of Vote | This may be the Annual Primary Budget (BP) or an Infra-Annual Budget Decision (Additional Budget or Amending Decision) Budget Chapter — Key | Indicates the relevant chapter number according to the budget nomenclature (M14, M52...) referred to Budget Chapter — Text | Labelling corresponding to the name of the relevant chapter of the budget nomenclature (M14, M52...) referred to Budgetary nature — Key | Nature specifies the type of expenditure and the key specifies the number according to the budget nomenclature (M14, M52...) Budgetary nature — Text | The nature specifies the type of expenditure and the text specifies the wording according to the budget nomenclature (M14, M52...) Function — Key | The function indicates the destination of the expenditure and the key specifies the number according to the budget nomenclature (M14, M52...) Function — Text | The function indicates the destination of the expenditure and the text specifies its wording according to the budget nomenclature (M14, M52...) Voted appropriations (PMt) | Payment appropriations are the upper limit of expenditure that can be mandated during the year to cover commitments made under the corresponding Program Authorities.
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