Dataset information
Available languages
saint-thibery, portiragnes, urbain, saint-pons-de-mauchiens, caux, bessan, pomerols, florensac, nezignan-leveque, grau-dagde, cazouls-dherault, castelnau-de-guers, nizas, pezenas, cap-dagde, aumes, capbus, lezignan-la-cebe, agde, montagnac, tamarissiere, vias, adissan, pinet, tourbes
Dataset description
Link to the GTFS file of the CapBus network used with the GTFS-RT file (Zenbus)
Theoretical transport offer of the Cap'Bus network
The Hérault Méditerranée Community of Agglomeration opens its public data “Transport” in order to promote the emergence of applications in the field. These data provide information on the theoretical transport offer (lines, stops, timetables) of the Cap'Bus urban transport network (Carpostal operating the CAHM Public Service Delegation).
These data are available in GTFS format, the update frequency is biannual (2 times a year).
Certain lines (-TAD- Transport On Request: A, B, C, D, E) are subject to reservation, stops are only served in case of reservation.
The municipalities served are: Adissan, Agde, Aumes, Bessan, Castelnau de Guers, Caux, Cazouls d’Hérault, Florensac, Lézignan la Cèbe, Montagnac, Nézignan the Bishop, Nizas, Pézenas, Pinet, Pomerols, Portiragnes, Saint-Pons de Mauchiens, Saint-Thibéry, Tourbes, Vias.
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