car park_crit’air

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.03.10 01:01
Available languages
environnement, transports, deplacements, vehicule, autmobile
Quality scoring

Dataset description

**Car fleet data for passenger cars by air and engine** as of January 1st since 2012 _Definition of the fleet in circulation_ A vehicle shall be considered in the fleet in circulation, if it verifies the following conditions: \- The vehicle was registered with the SIV before 1 January of year N \- No exit operation was reported to the ANTS: destruction, sale or removal abroad, damaged vehicle, vehicle awaiting sale at a dealer \- The vehicle is up to date with its technical inspection: in view of the fact that a large number of vehicles pass their roadworthiness tests late, a vehicle which is not up to date from its roadworthiness test on 31 December of year N, but which ultimately passes its roadworthiness test with less than one year of delay, will be considered in the park on 31 December. For the year 2020, for vehicles late for their roadworthiness tests on 31 December 2020, but with a delay of less than one year, a coefficient of probability is applied that the vehicle will pass a roadworthiness test with less than one year of delay. * _Genre_ private cars * L _ocalisation of the park_ The location of the vehicle in a commune of Roubaix shall be determined from the address indicated on the vehicle registration certificate. In the case of a vehicle for long-term rental or leasing, the address corresponds to the tenant of the vehicle and not to its owner. * _Vignette crit’air_ The data on the crit’air stickers shall correspond to the theoretical air stickers determined on the basis of the information entered on the registration certificate, whether or not the holder of the vehicle has applied for his crit’air sticker. The terms of the air quality certificate are available on the website: * _Energy_ The energies are divided into 8 modalities at national level and 6 modalities at regional and municipal level. They shall be determined on the basis of the information entered on the registration certificate. * Data from the file <HTTPS://WWW.STATISTIQUES.DEVELOPPEMENT-DURABLE.GOUV.FR/DONNEES-SUR-LE-PARC-AUTOMOBILE-FRANCAIS-AU-1ER-JANVIER-2021 >
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