Commercial and artisanal linears or all activities of the PLU-H of the Métropole de Lyon

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.03.26 00:04
Available languages
occupationdusol, urbanisme
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Linear indicating that the ground floor level of first-row structures must comply with a predefined destination or under-destination by the PLU-H over a minimum depth of 7 metres measured from the general bare of their facade or from the construction when the latter has a depth of less than 7 metres. These provisions apply to new constructions, as well as changes in destination, or, where appropriate, sub-destination, affecting existing constructions. However, these provisions do not apply to the parts of the ground floor of these constructions necessary for their operation (entrance hall, access to car parking spaces, bicycle parking spaces, technical or security spaces). Linears type Craft Commercial Attribute TYPEPLU = STRICT Linear type All activities Attribute TYPEPLU = ALLACTI
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