Computerised Cadastral Plan

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Dataset information

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2023.03.03 10:09
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Dataset description

The cadastral plane is an assembly of approximately **600,000 sheets** or boards each representing a section or part of a cadastral section. It covers the whole of France, with the exception of the city of Strasbourg and some neighbouring municipalities, for historical reasons related to the occupation of Alsace-Moselle by Germany between 1871 and 1918. #### ####PCI Vector and PCI Image #### For practical and technical questions, the Computerised Cadastral Plan exists in the form of **two complementary products**: the PCI Vector and the PCI Image. The **PCI Vector** gathers the leaves that have been digitised and covers most of the territory. The **PCI Image** gathers the sheets that have only been scanned, and completes the cover. #### #### Coverage #### **34,700 municipalities** are covered by the PCI Vector, out of a total of nearly 35,000. Plans for other municipalities are available in the PCI Image. Strasbourg and neighbouring municipalities are currently not managed in PCI format. The overseas communities of Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthelemy are present and historically integrated into the department of Guadeloupe (971). #### ##### Available formats #### PCI Vector data is available in several formats: * Format [EDIGÉO]( in projection Lambert 93; * Format [EDIGÉO]( in projection Lambert CC 9 zones; * DXF-PCI format in Lambert 93 projection; * DXF-PCI format in projection Lambert CC 9 zones. PCI Image data is available in TIFF format. #### #### Data Model #### Each municipality is subdivided into sections, themselves subdivided into sheets (or boards). A cadastral sheet has plots, which can support buildings, as well as many other objects of dressing or management. For more information, please refer to the standard documentation [EDIGÉO]( #### #### Made available #### The data are made available in two ways: * Direct download from the sheet or in the departmental archive. These URLs should be used if you want to automate data recovery and get the best performance. * Via an online tool for municipal archives. The data is then produced on the fly. Both modes of provision are available at []( #### ##### Available vintages: #### * 13 February 2017 * 14 May 2017 * 6 July 2017 * 12 October 2017 * 2 January 2018 * 3 April 2018 * 29 June 2018 * 1 October 2018 * 1 January 2019 * 1 April 2019 * 1 July 2019 * 1 October 2019 * 1 January 2020 * 1 July 2020 * 1 October 2020 * 1 February 2021 * 1 April 2021 * 1 July 2021 * 1 October 2021 * 1 January 2022 * 1 April 2022 * 1 July 2022 * 1 October 2022 * 1 January 2023
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