Consolidated accounts of the intercommunal groups 2014-2021

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.11.09 08:17
Available languages
comptes-consolides, 2021, 2020, ofgl, 2018, 2017, ensembles-intercommunaux, 2014, version-prod, 2019, comptes, 2016, 2015, comptes-publics
Quality scoring

Dataset description

### Presentation of the dataset: The consolidated accounts of the 2014-2021 intercommunal groups present the main aggregates of the consolidated accounts (main budgets and ancillary budgets) of the intercommunal groups for the period 2014-2021. The intercommunal groups correspond to the whole formed by a group with own taxation and its member municipalities. For the Greater Paris Metropolis (MGP), the intercommunal set also includes territorial public institutions (EPTs). By extension, data are also presented from the sets formed of the EPTs of the MGP and their member municipalities, as well as those of the mono-municipal islands which do not belong to any grouping (“isolated municipalities”). The calculation of the aggregates was carried out by the OFGL on the basis of the accounting balances of the own tax groupings and the municipalities published by the DGFiP. The consolidation of the intercommunal groups corresponds to the aggregation of the main and ancillary budgets of each community forming part of the whole, after neutralisation of the cross flows existing between these budgets, and then to the aggregation of these budgets between all the communities members of the whole, neutralising again the cross flows existing between these communities. For an inter-municipal group and a given year, if the account of the PFM (or EFA where applicable) or one of its member municipalities is missing, then no information is presented for the inter-municipal package for the year in question. At this stage, the 2021 data of some inter-communal sets are still missing. They will be further updated. Data from previous years — since 2012 — can be accessed as an attachment to the dataset. * * * ### Methodological resources: [Dataset update history]( [List of financial aggregates of the dataset]( [Method for calculating financial aggregates]( * * *
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