Control area for maize root chrysomela in Alsace in 2008

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.29 06:45
Available languages
agriculture-sante-vegetale, donnees-ouvertes, passerelle-inspire, structure
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Dataset description

The corn root chrysomela, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, is a small beetle of about 7 mm in the Chrysomelid family. She performs her reproductive cycle in one year. Eggs are laid in the soil during the summer and are kept there during the winter. Adults die with the first cold. Eggs hatch in early spring and larvae nymphosate. Adults emerge from June to September depending on the regions and climatic conditions and mate during the summer. The larva moves very little (a few meters). The factors involved in the movement of adults are numerous: climatic conditions, presence of maize, natural barriers, dominant winds... The displacement distance can therefore be more or less significant (up to 40 km). Human activities, road transport and the presence of airports... also influence the displacement of this pest. Corn chrysomela is native to Central America. From the 1950s, it progressed north on the American continent to become the main pest of maize on that continent. Chrysomela was introduced to Europe certainly by air routes during the Balkan conflict in the 1990s. First reported in 1992 on the outskirts of Belgrade Airport (Serbia), it quickly conquered many European countries since, including our neighbouring countries. Until 2009, in Alsace, summer trapping campaigns determine the control zones according to three “sub-areas”: — a focus area, the limit of which is 1 km from the field where specimens of corn chrysomeles were collected, an area within which the use of insecticides and crop rotation are mandatory, among other measures. — a safety zone whose external limit is 5 km from that of the focus zone and within which the control of the parasite, compulsory, is carried out either by crop rotation or by applications of insecticides. — a buffer zone with an external boundary of 34 km from that of the safe zone and where crop rotation is recommended. __Origin__ The boundaries of each of the control zones are calculated and reported in the local GeoBase by plotting &tampons" around trapping points or areas with confirmed presence of chrysomele. __Partner organisations__ DRAAF Alsace __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [COVADIS data standard: Maize root chrysomel control zone]( * [basic URL of wms/wfs services on the Internet]( [See this page on](
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