Dataset information
Available languages
circulation, transportation, pays-de-la-loire, grand-public, donnees-ouvertes, open-data, passerelle-inspire, dreal, reseaux-de-transport
Dataset description
By geographical analysis considering travel distance and number of people, about 800 km of bicycles and greenways were selected as having the greatest theoretical potential to support daily travel. Cyclability criteria (width, coating, directivity, porosity, topography, type d’#x27; layout, etc.) were assigned to each portion. These criteria made it possible to define 3 indicators (safety, efficiency and comfort) synthesised into a cyclability index (validity date = 01/01/2018).
For more information on methodology, calculation and allocation of criteria, see the report of DREAL "The potential of bicycles and greenways as a support for daily mobility;
Study DREAL "The potential of bicycles and greenways as a support for daily mobility;
Project management: Carto'City and C'Mobility
Veloroute and greenway itineraries come from; an extraction in May 2017 from the base of the U.S.; National Observatory of Roads and Greenways (ON3V) (
Geometry comes from OpenStreetMap. The study has enabled OpenStreetMap to be enriched by updating 3V routes and certain information such as track type and type; development, and digitising new roads and paths,
Geomatic analyses and processing to define the cyclability criteria were done on QGIS. The expressions used in QGIS to define the criteria are detailed in the annex to the report d'study.
Dictionary d'attributes:
ogc_fid, ogc_fid0, id = identifiers
cyclabilite_index = values 3 to 9 (=sum of 3 indicators & safety " " efficacy &; and &comfort &;);
indicator_securite = values 1 to 3. The stronger the value is the better is the indicator. The value depends on the criteria "width" 3V and & track type; (type d' cycling layout);
indicator_effective = values 1 to 3. The stronger the value is the better is the indicator. The value depends on the criteria "directivity" (correction or not) and &porosity" (assess the connection to the rest of the road network);
indicator_comfort = values 1 to 3. The stronger the value is the better is the indicator. The value depends on the criteria &coating " and & quarrelled; (relief);
critere_denivele = average slope of the 3V portion
critere_directivite = measurement of the straightness of the 3V portion (a rectilinear portion has a directivity of 1, a curve portion has a directivity >1) ratio between the actual length of the portion and the rectilinear distance between the beginning and the end of the portion.
critere_typevoie = possible values: clean site (no motorised traffic), semi-clean site (roads with little traffic on motor vehicles such as roads or service lanes), secure track (soothed traffic areas, cycle strips), mixed track (lane without shared bike layout with motorised vehicles, and where the speed limit is < 50 km/h), dangerous track (lane without shared bike layout with motorised vehicles, and where the limited speed is > 50 km/h);
critere_revetement = values 1 to 3. The stronger the value is the criterion. It depends on the type of coating and its condition when this data was available);
critere_width = values 1 to 3. The stronger the value is the criterion. It is informed that for 20 % of the network, depending on the availability of the source data. L' assignment depends on classes of widths that are adapted according to whether or not the division is divided; layout with pedestrians, and if it is #x27; is a two-way or simple cycling layout.
porosite_voie... = number of channels connected to the 3V portion per connected track type
__Partner organisations__
DREAL Pays de la Loire
__Links annexes__
* [publication of l' study on the DREAL website](
* [basketDownloadFrontalParametrage](
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