Dataset information
Available languages
arbres-remarquables, randonnee, donnees-ouvertes, geoportail, departement-du-bas-rhin-67, arbres, passerelle-inspire, environnement, donnee, society, label
Dataset description
Census of remarkable trees on the department of Bas-Rhin.
Only 300 out of 600 trees listed are published.
a tree can be remarkable from:
Its morphology: its size, dimensions, shape, aesthetics.
His related story: for the reason of its planting, at its place of ' implantation.
Its role in the ecosystem: s' it is home to cavernicultural species, for example, if it is; is a rare species.
Its heritage value: if its existence is recognised locally, s' it is the last of its kind in the landscape.
How s' performs the inventory?
It is a participatory approach:
The municipalities received a letter asking them to inform us of any remarkable tree on the communal ban.
Associations and individuals wishing to report a tree to us can do so via the online form or contact us by email.
Each reported tree is seen in the field to verify the information. It is measured (height, circumference), photographed and geolocated. This work is carried out with the help of school trainees or volunteers in civic service.
The trees reported are judged by a selection committee composed of specialists (foresters, tree growers, community agents, associations,...) in order to judge its degree of remarkability (local, departmental, regional, national...).
A labelling of trees is planned and for some a proposal for classification at national level.
Operations with schools (primary, colleges) as well as links with hiking routes are also carried out.
Data available in open license (Etalab).
Input into a database by GPS reading,
300 out of 600 trees are published to date.
Attention for some trees, the points have been intentionally shifted, when the trees are very vulnerable, to avoid their degradation.
Be careful, some trees are not published but inventoried in the Department of Lower Rhine, (trees whose owners do not want them to be published or trees in the process of validation...)
description of fields:
registration_tree INSEE code + tree number on the municipality
espece_latin_id The name of the species
date_releve Date of Field Day
municipality Name of municipality where the tree is located
medium in which the tree evolves (urban, forestry, agricultural, park and garden, riparian)
Label If the tree has a label (national or departmental, historical monument)
Height (m) Height of the tree from the ground to the top
circumference Circonference of the trunk measured at height of height (1.30 m)
Age of the tree (in years)
rq_critere_main The main remarkability criterion
refuge_biodiversite If or not the tree hosts other plant or animal species
history_local All old information about the tree
accessibilite How can @-@ one have access to the tree (car, walk, other)
domanialite Private or non-private domain (public or private)
whether or not it is easy to access the tree
open_public Tree accessible to the public or not
itinerary_randonnee If the tree is along an existing hiking route
address where to find the tree
location_cadastrale Section and No. of the cadastral parcel on which the tree is located
longitude_x Geographical coordinates of the tree
latitude_y Geographical coordinates of the tree
save Note the management plan specific to saving the tree if there is any
alignment If it is a tree alignment or not
threat Threat that may lead to the disappearance of the tree soon
code_insee INSEE code of the municipality where the tree is located
__Partner organisations__
Bas-Rhin Departmental Council (CD67)
__Links annexes__
* [remarkable trees site Bas-Rhin](
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