Data from exceptional campaigns (CAMPEX 2011-2013), groundwater substances — detail by parameter

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.01.24 12:46
Available languages
donnees-quantitatives, polluant-de-leau, eau-souterraine, etat-du-milieu-qualite-quantite, environment, france-entiere, donnees-ouvertes, qualite-de-lenvironnement, passerelle-inspire, eaux-souterraines
Quality scoring

Dataset description

An exceptional campaign (CAMPEX) for the analysis of substances present in groundwater was carried out in 2011 in metropolitan France. This exercise was supplemented in 2012-2013 by a prospective study concerning the rivers and coastal waters of the metropolis and the DOM on the one hand, the groundwater of the DOMs on the other. The main objectives of the 2011 and 2012-2013 campaigns are: — acquire nationally representative knowledge on the presence of “emerging pollutants” and, — have additional data on molecules already monitored. These objectives are part of a context of prioritisation of substances to be monitored, defined in various national or European plans, which are: — the micropollutant plan 2010-2013 initiated by the Ministry responsible for the environment, — the National Plan on Drug Residues in Waters (PNRM), published on 30 May 2011, — revisions of the water status monitoring programmes in 2014 (Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC), — the provisions of the SDAGEs for the period 2010-2015. The technical specifications of the study were produced by Ineris and AQUAREF in 2011 on the basis of the needs expressed by the Ministry of Ecology and ONEMA. The technical coordination of the study has been entrusted to l’'INERIS by the Ministry of Ecology. The part of the study for the groundwater component was carried out by the BRGM. The name of the files is: CAMPEX_{ANDRE identifier of}_ESOUT.xls parameter __Partner organisations__ ONEMA, BRGM [See this page on](
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