Data on the partial activity scheme implemented in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.01.19 12:11
Available languages
travail, activite, activite-economique-emploi, salaries, covid19, activite-partielle
Quality scoring

Dataset description

**Partial activity scheme** Faced with the scale of the COVID-19-related health crisis, the government has decided to structurally transform the partial activity scheme to provide France with the most protective system in Europe. Partial activity is a tool at the service of public policy for the prevention of economic redundancies that allows the employer in difficulty to charge all or part of the cost of the remuneration of his employees. The partial activity is aimed at all employees who suffer a reduction in remuneration attributable to: — a reduction in the working hours at the establishment or part of the establishment below the statutory working hours; — a temporary closure of all or part of the establishment. During the period of partial activity: — The employer receives from the Service and Payment Agency (ASP) an allowance equivalent to a share of the hourly remuneration of the employee in partial employment; — The employee shall receive from his employer a partial work allowance in lieu of his salary for the period during which he is placed in partial employment. More information on taking over the partial activity on the [FAQ page]( as well as on the [official portal]( **The Business Aid Scoreboard** In order to offer visibility to all French people on the allocation of aid granted to enterprises, the Minister for Action and Public Accounts, with the technical support of the department [Etalab]( of the [Inter-Ministerial Directorate of Digital (DINUM)](, make available a [scoreboard]( whose [source code is free](, which proposes a consolidated vision of the support provided to companies. **Data description** This dataset contains the data displayed on the “partial activity” tab of the dashboard. The data shall inform, at regional and departmental granularity, the following data: — number of undertakings concerned by partial activity broken down by NACE code17 — number of employees concerned by partial activity broken down by NACE code17 — Number of hours of partial activity requested broken down by NACE 17 code (in million hours) These data are updated weekly.
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