Data — Solar Cadastre — Solar roofing of the properties of the Greater East Region

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.01.25 01:03
Available languages
sources-denergie, donnees-ouvertes, solaire, photovoltaique
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Data of solar deposit of the roofs of buildings owned by the Region. The methodological report can be downloaded from: Field title: DEP: Department M_REG: Home of Region of the ID_BAT Building: Building ID: CODE_COM + building identifier according to data source SRC_BAT ID_TOIT: SRC_BAT roof panel identifier: Source of vector data of the building: \- Edigeo \- BDTopo \- LNE: for added buildings not present in the 2 building data sources EXTRA_SITE: site Region? \- 0: is part of the site -1: is not/more part of the site -2: added to site -3: is part of the site but has been modified COMMUNE: Name of the municipality CODE_COM: Code INSEE of the commune CODE_SITE: Code of the site belonging to the Grand-Est Region, in most cases it is the site code present in the online database GEPAT, composed of the department number, the first letters of the municipality, and the first letters of the name of the establishment, e.g.: “68 ALTK HENN” for the Lycée Jean-Jacques Henner in Altkirch NOM_TABLI: Name of the institution ADRESSE: Address of ICPE institution: Classified installation for environmental protection \- 0: site without ICPE \- 1: site with ICPE CCOAFF type installation: Type of occupation of the DMATTO building: Cover material of the JANNAT building: Year of construction or renovation DMATGM: Material of stent bearing walls: Maintenance status of the PM_MH building: Perimeter of servitudes around historical monuments, corresponding to a radius 500 meters in most cases: \- 0: building outside perimeter historic monument \- 1: building in perimeter historic monument PM_AERO: 3 km perimeter around airports/airfields/aeroclubs and heliports: \- 0: building outside perimeter \- 1: building less than 3 km from an airport site or PM_UN heliport: UNESCO World Heritage Site: \- 0: building outside perimeter \- 1: building located in UNESCO World Heritage Area S_C: Registered or classified site: \- 0: non-site building classified \- 1: building in a site classified SPR: Remarkable heritage site: \- 0: off-site building SPR \- 1: building located in a SPR LIB_PLU site: Wording of the zoning PLU ZONE_PLU: Name of zoning PLU ELEC: Electricity distribution network (Enedis) GAZ: Gas distribution network BT_HTA: Connection point voltage (low voltage/high voltage) CAT_SITE: Total annual consumption per PS site: Power subscribed by the institution PPR: Power of the UN_PUISS connection point: Power unit (kW/kVA) GIS_SOL_01...12: Median of the monthly solar deposit on the roofing element, in kiloWatts hour/m² per year (kWh/m².an), from January to December GIS_SOL_AN: Annual solar deposit of the roofing element: sum of monthly deposits SURF_TOIT: Roofing element surface in square meters RAY_TOTAL: Total solar radiation in kWh: GIS_SOL_AN * SURF_TOIT RAY_UTIL: Useful solar radiation: RAY_TOTAL * 0.70. It is generally considered that 70 % of the roof surface is unsuitable for installation (seated dogs, velux...) POT_PV: Photovoltaic potential: RAY_UTIL * 0.14. The efficiency of a photovoltaic panel in the laboratory is currently estimated at 14 % POT_TH: Thermal potential: 0.40 * RAY_UTIL.The performance of a solar thermal panel in the laboratory is currently estimated at 40 % PUISS_PV: Photovoltaic power in kWc (kiloWatts peak): POT_PV/(0.85 * GIS_SOL_AN) EXPO: Median roof exposure, from 0 to 360° LIB_EXPO: Exposure class: \- North: 0-22 and 337-360 \- Northeast: 22-67 \- East: 67-112 \- Southeast: 112-157 \- South: 157-202 \- Southwest: 202-247 \- West: 247-292 \- Northwest: 292-337 SLOPE: Median slope of roof expressed in degrees Licensed data Etalab V2
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