Dataset information
Available languages
ergotherapeute, psychomotricien, medecin, manipulateur-erm, disparites-et-inegalites-territoriales, demographie-des-professionnels-de-sante, sages-femme, infirmier, opticien-lunetier, chirurgiens-dentiste, sante-et-systeme-de-soins, pharmacien, professionnel-de-lappareillage, audioprothesiste, dieteticien, dentiste, orthoptiste, psychologue, masseur-kinesitherapeute, pedicure-podologue, orthophoniste, opticien, technicien-de-laboratoire
Dataset description
Between 1999 and 2011, health professionals were listed through the ADELI directory (audioprothesists, dental surgeons, dieticians, occupational therapists, nurses, ERM manipulators, masseur-kinesitherapists, doctors, opticians, speech therapists, orthoptists, pedicure-podologists, pharmacists, apparatus professionals, psychologists, psychomotricians, midwives, and laboratory technicians).
The ADELI Directory (Automation of Lists) has been set up to meet the obligation to register the diplomas of health professionals by the State services in accordance with the Public Health Code and to have the statutory lists of persons practising in each department. The Regional Health Agencies (ARS) are the registration offices for the professionals concerned by this directory. It should be noted that, despite the legal obligation to register, this directory presents certain vulnerabilities. First of all, healthcare professionals are not really encouraged to unsubscribe (registration is free of charge, unlike the RPPS) when they cease their activity temporarily or permanently, which may lead to an overestimation of the number of older professionals in practice. On the other hand, new professionals sometimes delay registering their diplomas in the register (especially when they start with paid employment), which tends to underestimate the share of younger people.
The field taken into account in the tables consists of all the practitioners who have declared a professional or employed activity, the employed persons. It therefore excludes volunteers and job seekers. In Adeli when a professional declares several activities, the main activity is chosen for the compilation of these statistics.
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