Deployment of broadband and very high speed by municipality — CU Grand Poitiers

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.01.31 07:34
Available languages
batiments, reseau, telecom, amenagement-du-territoire, fibre-optique, urbanisme, equipements, internet, deploiement, logement
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This game is no longer maintained, use the games with a search ‘buildingref[tiret]france’ replacing [tiret] with -. This dataset details by common the deployment of high and very high speed. In particular, it presents: \- The number of units that can be connected \- The rate of connectable dwellings (the total number of dwellings is derived from the INSEE bases: the housing rate is sometimes higher than 100 % due to inconsistency between the number of dwellings displayed by INSEE and the number of connected dwellings displayed by ARCEP) \- The various investment operators present in the municipality. The dataset aggregates the files published quarterly by ARCEP on Some undocumented columns in the original datasets are not included. This data has therefore been set aside, but it is possible to re-incorporate it in the future, for example when updating the associated documentation. This set contains data from 3 rd quarter 2018 to 2nd quarter 2020. **Enrichment:** We also added information about the names of the EPCIs in the file, from their code. It is possible to enrich this game, for example by joinings with other datasets.
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