Directory of “High Environmental Value” holdings

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.12.21 10:48
Available languages
exploitations-agricoles, annuaire, ecologie, agroecologie, certification-environnementale, haute-valeur-environnementale, environnement, hve
Quality scoring

Dataset description

### High Environmental Value (HVE) The High Environmental Value (HVE) corresponds to the third highest level of environmental certification of farms. Since February 2012, when the device was implemented, the number of certified holdings has been steadily increasing. More than 19,200 farms (19,216 farms — as of 1 July 2021) can claim to be “High Environmental Value”, proof of their commitment to practices that respect the environment and biodiversity. ### The dataset “HVE Farm Directory” #### Content of the dataset This file contains all French farms, certified HVE (High Environmental Value) as of 1 July 2021, which have agreed to be included in this directory (76 % of holdings). #### Format of the dataset The dataset is available in Excel and csv format, you will find below the description of the fields: — Name or company name (text) — Address (text) — Postcode (text) — Region (text) — Department (text) — Common (text) — Website (text) — Main activity (animal sector) (text), values among: ‘Beekeeper’, ‘Other’, ‘Bow milk’, ‘Bovins meat’, ‘Caprins’, ‘Equidae’, ‘Eggs’, ‘Ovins’, ‘Porcins’, ‘Volailles’, (empty) — Main activity (plant sector) (text), values among: ‘Arboriculture’, ‘Other crops’, ‘Great crops’, ‘Hoticulture’, ‘Maraiching’, (empty) — Direct sale (text), values among: ‘Yes’, ‘NO’, (empty) — Certification date (DDD/MM/YYYY))
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