Directory Social Health 2022 of the City of Mulhouse and surrounding area

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.06.28 09:37
Available languages
social, sante
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The Health and Social Directory meets a strong demand from Mulhouse professionals and residents. The aim is to better orient itself among existing structures and arrangements, depending on their needs or those of the person being accompanied. Its realisation has been possible through the synergy of several projects: —workshop Health City, as part of the health component of the Urban Contract for Social Cohesion \- The Regional Program for Access to Prevention and Care of Mulhouse (PRAPS) \- The health component of the Plan for Insertion, led by the General Council of Haut-Rhin \- The departmental integration policy, led by the Haut-Rhin County Council \- The “Rights and Poverty” approach initiated by the Council of Europe, coordinated by the City of Mulhouse and implemented by residents, volunteers and professionals. A directory makes sense only if it is caught up with the changing reality of the territory it covers. Therefore, this version is destined to evolve, to be fed regularly and updated, depending on the information provided by the stakeholders concerned. Everyone must play the game of information transmission to allow this tool to improve from year to year. This directory can also be downloaded in pdf format. [health-social directory](
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