Domaines d'intervention des Services de Solidarité Territoriale (SST)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.09.30 13:09
Available languages
edas, intervention-sociale, insertion-professionnelle, travailleurs-sociaux, gestion-budgetaire, logements, protection, sst, sante, solidarite-sante
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Dataset description

Number of actions implemented by area of intervention and number of persons involved * * * As the real local anchor of social work in the department, the territorial solidarity services (SST) are places of reception and guidance offering listening and assistance to people in difficulty, for administrative and legal problems, or for integration and housing. This dataset summarises the number of actions implemented by area of intervention in OSH and the number of people in the municipality met. * * Lexique * * OSH The Territorial Solidarity Services (SST) offer a solidarity service from the 1st to the Grand Age for the inhabitants of Upper Seine. The teams of professionals present on the spot organise themselves to ensure reception for all, comprehensive information and guidance, support for users in their digital processes to open up and maintain rights with administrations; Multi-dimensional assessment of all vulnerabilities and stress situations, including child protection, prevention of evictions; The construction of accompanying pathways with users, taking into account the individual and the family in all aspects of their life (integration, employment, housing, financial problems, parenthood, etc.). EDAS Departmental area of social activities. Former name of territorial solidarity services. Access to rights Guidance on the budget points and hotlines dedicated to cities, specialised associations or the PUS, general information on the BDF over indebtedness, pre-emption of the desirability of ad hoc financial assistance Information and in some cases entitlement and investigation of applications for social and family benefits, health, solidarity schemes for transport, leisure, digital mobility, housing and civil status (CAF, CPAM — CMU/PUMA/vitale, MDPH, BBDOM, Pole emploi, Pole emploi, CNAV, CNAV, CNAV) Accommodation, accommodation Information, guidance and advice (APL law, application for social housing), SIAO 115 referral and accommodation facilities, priority housing procedures (DALO file, PDALPD), examination and follow-up of applications for FSL access financial assistance, maintenance, fluids and ASLL, follow-up of investigations and expulsion procedures, link with partners. Parenthood and child protection Consultations on maternal protection, child protection and family planning and education, child protection partnership summary, assessment of child information, administrative and judicial home educational assistance, financial support for family parenthood and monthly allowance, judicial reporting on child protection, follow-up of child welfare placement, parenthood support, relationship with partners. Socio-occupational integration Administrative support and advice/budget support, over-indebtedness, RSA support (social, overall support with Pole emploi, PDIRE actions), financial support for social and professional integration (IFJ, Youth Guarantee, etc.), assistance and advice on employment and training, link with partners. Prevention and protection of vulnerable adults Identify how the budget works, provide advice and budget support, help with compiling files (bank of France, buy-back of loans, etc.), mediation actions with creditors, lessors, public bodies, and the introduction of collective actions. * * Specific comments * * Empty cells In order to preserve the confidentiality of individual data, values below the dissemination threshold are not reported (values < 5). * * Related data * * Open Data Platform of the Hauts-de-Seine Department [territorial solidarity services] (
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