[DREAL LR] Atlas of flood zones in Languedoc-Roussillon

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.02.10 23:34
Available languages
risque-inondation, donnees-ouvertes
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The DREAL Languedoc-Roussillon has been conducting since 1999 the realisation of ''atlas of floodable zones (AZI) that provide knowledge of the areas likely to be able to be flooded by overflow of the rivers d'' water. The method used, the hydrogeomorphological method, gives a description of the functional alluvial plain of the rivers d'' water, shaped by their successive floods, by delimiting the different morphodynamic structures that compose it. It therefore makes it possible to map the maximum envelope of the flood zone, and also provides elements relating to the dynamics of the flood. This method is complemented by a historical approach (flood markers, flooded area envelopes, data d'' archives or testimonials). These atlases are made up of '' a GIS mapping at n°#x27;' scale of 1/25 000th or even 1/10 000th for urbanised sectors, as well as of #x27;' a watershed presentation report that provides feedback on the mapping for each homogenous sector identified. Knowledge of flood zones is essential both to contribute to the public’s information, guaranteed by the code of l'' environment and reinforced by law & risks; of 30 July 2003, but also as decision-making aid for '' spatial planning. The atlas mapping of flood zones is an element of '' information without regulatory value but which is brought to the attention of elected officials and the general public within the meaning of the #x27;' Article R121.1 of the Code de l'' Urbanism. __Origin__ GENEALOGY: The data available here are the result of the aggregation at the regional scale of the different studies by watershed, and are intended to be fed as the #x27;' evolution of knowledge. 25/01/2011: Update of the regional atlas with l''AZI Lez-Mosson 28/02/2015: Update of the regional atlas with the AZI Coastal Etangs DATA QUALITY: The method used, encouraged at the national scale, is the hydrogeomorphology. It does not require mathematical calculation, and uses in particular the \#x27;' analysis of aerial photographs, field surveys and the search of historical data.The mapping produced must be used at 1/25 000th. It is not possible to consult it on a larger scale, especially at the cadastral scale. __Historical__ * 28/02/2015: Update * 25/01/2011: Publication * 01/01/1999: Creation __Partner organisations__ DREAL Languedoc-Roussillon/Natural Risks, DREAL Lang.Rous. (Regional Direction de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du logement Languedoc-Roussillon) __Links annexes__ * [HTML view of metadata on the Internet](http://catalogue.geo-ide.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/catalogue/apps/search/?uuid=fr-120066022-ldd-f9af3f6a-381c-4dc8-9e7e-69e73086ec4a) * [XML metadata view](http://catalogue.geo-ide.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/catalogue/srv/fre/xml_iso19139?uuid=fr-120066022-ldd-f9af3f6a-381c-4dc8-9e7e-69e73086ec4a) * [AtlasZonesInundables.pdf](http://adelie.application.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/telechargerFichier.do?adresseFichier=12%2FK_Risques%2FK1_RisquesNaturels%2FK11_Inondation%2FK113_ZonesInondables%2FZoneInondable_LR.lot%2FAtlasZonesInondables.pdf&url=false&fichierLocal=false)
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