[DREAL LR] National nature reserve and associated protection perimeter in Languedoc-Roussillon

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.03.18 17:52
Available languages
environment, nature-paysage-biodiversite-zona, sites-proteges, reserve-naturelle, enp, donnees-ouvertes
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Dataset description

A national nature reserve and its associated protection perimeter are part of the protected natural areas (ENPs) which are designated or managed within an international, Community, national or local framework with a view to achieving specific objectives of conservation of the natural heritage.A national nature reserve is a protected land or marine area, created by the State, and whose natural heritage is exceptional, both in terms of biodiversity and sometimes in terms of geodiversity. A classification as a national nature reserve takes place to ensure the conservation of this exceptional heritage. It is a highly regulated space, exempted from any artificial intervention likely to degrade it and which benefits from a management plan. It is classified in categories Ia, III or V of IUCN (according to the regulations and management objectives put in place).Several national nature reserves benefit from an additional area in a ‘buffer zone’ protected by this scheme. Depending on the case, one distinguishes between the perimeters of protection sensu stricto taken by prefectoral decree, and the protection zones defined by decree. The perimeters of protection may be wide and defined from the point of view of a list of municipalities, particularly in the case of geological reserves.Legal references: Articles L332-1 to L332-27, R332-1 to R332-29, R332-47 to R332-48 and R332-66 to R332-81 of the code of the Environment. __Origin__ Source of georeferencing: the name and the actuality of the geographical repository used to digitise the perimeters of RNN are entered by the fields SRC_GEOM and SRC_ANNEE of the data series N_ENP_RNN_S_ddd.Thematic source: Administrative, legal or contractual classification of the protected natural area. These acts are referenced in the alphanumeric table N_ENP_ACTE_RNN_ddd associated with this dataset 18/10/2011: Creation of RNN projects, enhanced protections, and perimeter of protection projects. Digitisation in the 1/2000th of the 3 new layers and of the RNNs. 05/09/2013: correction of CONAT rnn (3 parcels less) 23/09/2015: updating attributes __Partner organisations__ DREAL Lang.Rous. (Regional Direction de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du logement Languedoc-Roussillon) __Links annexes__ * [HTML view of metadata on the Internet](http://catalogue.geo-ide.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/catalogue/apps/search/?uuid=fr-120066022-jdd-7aeb7366-d5c4-4a5b-98a7-05b58ba5b439) * [XML metadata view](http://catalogue.geo-ide.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/catalogue/srv/fre/xml_iso19139?uuid=fr-120066022-jdd-7aeb7366-d5c4-4a5b-98a7-05b58ba5b439) * [COVADIS data standard: National nature reserve and associated protection perimeter](http://geostandards.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/afficherPageStandard.do?jeu=N_ENP_RNN_S) * [access to the single single download service of the game and associated documents](http://atom.geo-ide.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/atomMetadata/GetResourceDescription?id=b62b1b4a-8671-496a-803d-510fdd29c76c&scope=INTERNET)
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