Effects zones of the DIRI of Hexcel Composites in Bouguenais in Loire-Atlantique

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.01.19 06:38
Available languages
bouguenais-44020, environment, donnees-ouvertes, dreal, passerelle-inspire, grand-public, open-data, risques-technologiques
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Dataset description

Pursuant to Circular DPPR/SEI2/FA-07-0066 of 4 May 2007, the Prefect informs the mayors of the technological risks surrounding classified facilities for the protection of the environment (ICPE). This information consists of the definition of zones d' effects in the event of accidents at the industrial site and limitations of urbanisation. The effects may be significant lethal effects (ELS), lethal effects (EL), irreversible effects (EI) or Window Bris (BV). The probabilities of 'occurence refer to the definitions of l' decree of 29/09/05. __Origin__ The data are derived from an analysis by l' inspection of DREAL-classified intallations. __Partner organisations__ DREAL Pays de la Loire __Links annexes__ * [Order of 29/09/05 on the assessment and consideration of the probability of #x27; occurrence of kinetics of ' intensity of effects and severity of the consequences of potential accidents in hazard studies of classified installations subject to authorisation](http://www.ineris.fr/aida/consultation_document/5015) [See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/8d8c58e478de89d602763a2e5551ff314c88fc87) This information consists of the definition of zones d' effects in the event of accidents at the industrial site and limitations of urbanisation. The effects may be significant lethal effects (ELS), lethal effects (EL), irreversible effects (EI) or Window Bris (BV). The probabilities of 'occurence refer to the definitions of l' decree of 29/09/05. __Origin__ The data are derived from an analysis by l' inspection of DREAL-classified intallations. __Partner organisations__ DREAL Pays de la Loire __Links annexes__ * [Order of 29/09/05 on the assessment and consideration of the probability of #x27; occurrence of kinetics of ' intensity of effects and severity of the consequences of potential accidents in hazard studies of classified installations subject to authorisation](http://www.ineris.fr/aida/consultation_document/5015) [See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/8d8c58e478de89d602763a2e5551ff314c88fc87)
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