EL3 easement plates linked to tow and walking paths — digitised version DDT 43 — Haute-Loire — 2017

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.12.03 06:38
Available languages
haute-loire, auvergne, open-data, grand-public, assiette-servitude, ddt-haute-loire, passerelle-inspire, donnees-ouvertes, boundaries, ddt-43
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Dataset description

Servitudes of public utility (SUP) are administrative limitations on the right to property. They are instituted for the benefit of public persons, service dealers or public works dealers, private persons engaged in a public interest activity. The collection and conservation of servitudes of public utility are a sovereign mission of the State which must bring them to the attention of the local authorities so that they annex them to their document d’' urbanism. The easements of public utility concerned are those defined by Articles L. 126-1 and R. 126-1 of the Code de l’' urban planning and their annexes. EL3-type SUPs are so-called walk and tow easements for riparian properties of ' a water course or a federal lake in accordance with Articles L.2131-2 to L.2131-6 of the General Code of Public Ownership. Easement s' applies directly without a regulatory measure (Order or Order) is required. __Origin__ L' plate is of a surface type and corresponds to the right-of-way of the towway or footpath protection zone. This protection zone is 8 m around the generator for the tow and 4 m around the one for the footstep. The digitisation is carried out from the hydrography theme of the Topo BD of l'IGN. __Partner organisations__ DDT 43 (Departmental Directorate of the Territories of Upper Loire) __Links annexes__ * [ETALAB license](http://www.etalab.gouv.fr/pages/licence-ouverte-open-licence-5899923.html) * [DDT 43 website](http://www.haute-loire.gouv.fr/) * [basketDownloadFrontalParametrage](https://catalogue.datara.gouv.fr/geosource/panierDownloadFrontalParametrage?LAYERIDTS=22177074) [See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/f587f4df483a623649c428f05fe5d90c71a7af35)
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