Election posters

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2021.09.15 13:48
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affiches, culture-tourisme, electorales, elections
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Dataset description

Electoral posters (1968-1988) relating to the European, presidential, legislative, cantonal and municipal elections, preserved in the Departmental Archives. * * * The electoral offices of the Préfecture des Hauts-de-Seine and the Sub-Prefectures of Boulogne-Billancourt and Antony regularly send to the Departmental Archives documents relating to the organisation of elections, including electoral propaganda. From these payments, several thousand posters were extracted from all the general and partial elections held in the Hauts-de-Seine from the 1960s to 2000. Digitised gradually, this first batch of 1782 documents covers the elections held from 1968 to 1988. It sheds particular light on local elections: municipal, cantonal and legislative. Posters are proposed by type of election, then by choice of place (legislative division, canton or municipality) and finally by election years. An open search is possible (name of candidate for example) The posters are from instalments 1154 W, 1160 W, 1161 W, 1279 W, 1297 W, 1303 W **Specific observations** The names of photographers are not mentioned on the posters. If a photographer claims to be the author of a photograph published on one of these posters and wishes to be credited, send a message to [Contact Form](https://contact.hauts-de-seine.fr/?forcedThema=Collectivite-Open_data/SIG&back=od) License: these documents shall not give rise to commercial re-use or be modified. **Related data** <HTTPS://WWW.HAUTS-DE-SEINE.GOUV.FR/DEMARCHES-ADMINISTRATIVES/ELECTIONS/ELECTIONS-INFORMATIONS-LOCALES> See elections on [data.gouv.fr](https://www.data.gouv.fr) **Keywords** Departmental Archives, Prefecture of Hauts-de-Seine, Boulogne-Billancourt Sub-Prefecture, Antony Sub-Prefecture, European elections, presidential elections, senatorial elections, parliamentary elections, cantonal elections, municipal elections.
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