Émission de CO2e par voyageur kilomètre sur le réseau

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.03.09 09:51
Available languages
donnees-hors-loi-lom, co2, emission
Quality scoring

Dataset description

In accordance with Article L 1431-3 of the Transport Code, Île-de-France Mobilités, SNCF Transilien and RATP provide passengers with information on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions emitted during their journeys. This information is based on indicators updated annually and in accordance with the rules in force (Decree No 2017-639). Information on greenhouse gases is available in particular on the following sites: > < https://me-deplacer.iledefrance-mobilites.fr/itineraire > [ >] (https://me-deplacer.iledefrance-mobilites.fr/itineraire) < https://www.ratp.fr/itineraires > [ >] (https://www.ratp.fr/itineraires) < https://www.transilien.com/fr/itineraire > The greenhouse gas emissions of a journey shall be calculated as follows: Emissions (in gCO2e) = distance travelled for the journey x average quantity of CO2e emitted by a passenger travelling one kilometre in the mode of transport in question. Where the route uses more than one mode of transport, the greenhouse gas emission shall be the sum of the emissions of journeys in the different modes. * * Emission factors used for the calculation * * The emission factors used are those of ADEME’s base Carbone, according to the values in force at the date of updating the indicators. More information on the website: [www.bilans-ges.ademe.fr] (http://www.bilans-ges.ademe.fr/) For the calculations made in 2020 (base year 2019), the emission factors are presented below. They include (direct) combustion emissions and upstream (indirect) emissions for each transport mode: Electricity (for transport use) | 38,6 gCO2e per kWh — — Non-road diesel (train) | 3,17 kgCO2e per litre Road diesel (bus) | 3,16 kgCO2e per litre BioGNV | 0,5559 kgCO2e per m³ Car (average power and engine power) | 0,177 kgCO2e per passenger-kilometre * * Calculation of GHG indicators for different modes of transport * * The indicators are calculated below for the year 2019. For modes operated by different transport operators, an average emission factor shall be calculated on the basis of the average emissions of each network weighted by its passenger-kilometres. This is the case for ERNs and trains as well as for buses.
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