Enquiries Food

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.02.07 15:49
Available languages
enquete, alimentation, valorisation-du-patrimoine-regional
Quality scoring

Dataset description

METHODOLOGY: Consultation with: \- An online field launched on 30 March 2018 and closed on 31 August 2018 (26,549 respondents in total) \- A first face-to-face part at the Toulouse International Fair from 7 to 16 April (647 respondents in total) \- A second face-to-face component realised at 26 sites from April 19 to May 4 (308 respondents in total) \- A paper part carried out from May until 31 July 2018 (13 558 completed questionnaires in total) READING RULE: The results presented are based on 39,285 people who completed the questionnaire in its entirety and resided in the Occitanie region. The sample was adjusted according to the latest INSEE data from the 2014 census on sex, age, occupation of the individual, category of agglomeration and department of residence. 52,809 people participated in the survey, and nearly 80 % of them completed the questionnaire in its entirety. The results presented in this report are based on 39,284 people who completed the questionnaire in its entirety and resided in the Occitanie region. The sample was adjusted according to the latest INSEE data from the 2014 census on sex, age, occupation of the individual, department of residence and category of agglomeration regional infographic: [https://www.laregion.fr/IMG/pdf/csa_pour_la_region...](https://www.laregion.fr/IMG/pdf/csa_pour_la_region_occitanie_rapport_global_10092018.pdf) <https://www.laregion.fr/La-demarche-L-alimentation...>(https://www.laregion.fr/La-demarche-L-alimentation-grande-cause-regionale-2018-en) If you want to filter on multiple postal codes, you can use the formula below in the text search: code_postal:“31000” or code_postal:“34000”
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