ETIC survey 2nd degree

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.07.01 10:27
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Quality scoring

Dataset description

ETIC surveys 1st and 2nd degree no longer exist. Microtic surveys follow up to provide the level of some computer equipment. National Microtic data is available in publications such as RERS, only Microtic 2nd degree is a comprehensive survey that continues to result in open data. ETIC was an information system set up by the Ministry of National Education in co-management between the DEPP (Directorate for Evaluation, Foresight and Performance) and the DNE (Directorate for Digital Education). It allowed an annual collection of data on digital equipment, infrastructure and services from all schools and public schools in France.It also served as a digital steering tool for school principals and heads of schools and all senior levels (Inspector of National Education, Academic Director of National Education Services, Academic Delegate for Digital Education, Ministry of National Education) and provided indicators on all perimeters from the school/institutional level to the national perimeter. These indicators were used, inter alia, to feed into Chapter 2.10 of the ‘Statistical References and References’ (published annually by the DEPP) and to the management dialogue between the academies and the central administration. Finally, it was used to respond to requests from local authorities or other departmental partners.
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