Dataset information
Available languages
foncier-sol-occupation-du-sol, boundaries, passerelle-inspire, donnees-ouvertes
Dataset description
Comparison of land use between 1970 and 1990. Table from #x27; a DRE-LR study by analysing the urbanised areas of the Scan25. To be used at 25000°.No scheduled update.
Level 4 data received in 2007, by agreement with l'ASP.
Processing Data received 20XX vintage:
· N_RPG20XX_ANONYME_S_ddd: contains geometry and islet identifier and, attributes corresponding to levels 2, 3 and 4
· ILOT_GROUPE_CULTURE_20XX_ddd: RPG Level 2 indicates for each plot the associated crop group(s) (joint on the ID_ILOT field)
· ILOT_CULTURE_20XX_ddd: RPG Level 2 indicates for each parcel the associated crop(s) (joint on the ID_ILOT field)
For the type of crop, on some islets several types of cultivation are declared with a corresponding area for each.
This crop type information is provided, d' after the information provided by ILOT_GROUPE_CULTURE_20XX, adding 2 fields to table N_RPG20XX_ANONYME_S:
* CODE_GROUPE_CULTURE: code(s) describing the crop group type(s), separated by the character '''' if more than one crop group declared on the;ilôt.
* SURFACE_GROUPE_CULTURE: area in hectare, corresponding respectively to the type(s) of crop group(s) declared in the field CODE_GROUPE_CULTURE
Attention: the field SURFACE_GROUPE_CULTURE therefore provides information on the area(s) cultivated according to the type(s) of crop(s) entered in the field CODE_GROUPE_CULTURE, not to be confused with the field SURFACE_REFERENCE_ILOT, which corresponds to the total area of l'islot.
Data exploitation:
Crop analysis:
For a crop type analysis, a query on the CODE_GROUPE_CULTURE field is required.
For example, for the ''MAIS GRAIN AND ENSILAGE'' (code 02), use a query of the type:
On the table {N_RPG2009_ANONYME_S_065} use the criterion ''InStr(1, CODE_GROUPE_CULTURE,''02'')''
DATA QUALITY: Graphical contours of the islets of the RPG (Graphical Parcellar Register), their descriptions and their cultural occupation.
For the 2007 vintages, it is the level 4 data, including the delimitation of the islets, the description of the islet; islet, the cultures associated with the islet, and the area corresponding to the crops, as well as information on the connecting commune of the operator, and the age class of the latter.
L' crop information is provided by nomenclature in 28, more generic items.
* The RPG is called "anonymous " because there is no way to identify the operator (the PACAGE No. #x27 is not specified).
* No guarantee of; suitability for uses other than #x27; purpose for which the RPG is carried out.
* Coverage of the totality of the agricultural area not insured, taking into account the reporting procedure to which the RPG responds.
* In application of a rule adopted for the creation of this dataset, there may be islets only &geographics", empty of any given data (situation that may exist in the declarations made).
__Partner organisations__
DDTM Hérault
__Links annexes__
* [ASP](
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