[Example file] Electric vehicle charging stations

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.01.27 12:14
Available languages
infrastructure-de-recharge, irve, station-de-charge, vehicule-electrique, voiture-electrique, borne-de-recharge
Quality scoring

Dataset description

> Planners, communities, data producers: [find here the complete documentation to reference your terminals](https://doc.transport.data.gouv.fr/producteurs/infrastructures-de-recharge-de-vehicules-electriques-irve). **This file is proposed as an example** In order to establish a national directory of EVRIs, open and accessible to all, communities with an EVRI installation project must, as stations are put into service, systematically transmit static data on the characteristics of the facilities to the open platform (www.data.gouv.fr) in an updated format. The list of fields is available [on the dedicated page of the data schema](https://schema.data.gouv.fr/etalab/schema-irve/latest/documentation.html). The file must be encoded in **UTF-8** and use the ** semicolon** as a column separator. No value can contain the semicolon character chosen as the separator. The column header** on the first row is mandatory. All fields are mandatory; if the data is not available, the column must be present and empty. **File name**: ‘IRVE_name_YYYYMMDD.csv’ with ‘name’ being the developer’s name or the network’s commercial name, for example _IRVE_SDExx_20161013.csv_ or _IRVE_reseaucharge_20161013.csv_. The **updates** are made from the previously communicated file and reproduce them, modifying them if necessary, the data already contained therein. The format of this file is set by [Order of 4 May 2021 on data concerning the geographical location and technical characteristics of stations and charging points for electric vehicles](https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000043475441). A **scheme** to validate the compliance of the file is made available among the resources of this dataset.
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