Existing issues in territories subject to one or more mining risks and mapped as part of the Decazeville Basin Mining Risk Prevention Plan (MRP)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.26 06:40
Available languages
risque-risque-minier, passerelle-inspire, minier, amenagement, geoscientific-information, prevention, donnees-ouvertes, alea, risque
Quality scoring

Dataset description

In general, the stakes are people, property, activities, elements of cultural or environmental heritage, threatened by hazards and likely to be affected or damaged by it. The sensitivity of a hazard issue is called “vulnerability”. This dataset lists all the issues that have been taken into account in the PPRM study. An issue is a dated object whose consideration is based on the object of the PPRM and its vulnerability to the hazards studied. A PPRM issue can therefore be taken into account (or not) depending on the type or types of hazard treated. These elements form the basis of knowledge of the soil required for the Â#x27; development of the PPRM, in the zone d’#x27; study or near it, at the date of #x27; analysis of the issues. The data of #x27; Issues represent a photograph (fixed and not exhaustive) of assets and people exposed to hazards at the time of #x27; development of the risk prevention plan. This data is not updated after the PPRM approval. In practice they are no longer used: the stakes are recalculated as needed with up-to-date data sources. __Origin__ Data set produced by DREAL and set to COVADIS standard by DDT __Partner organisations__ DDT Aveyron [See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/e5ff021cb67ae1ee7017e797c4ef1fbd3516c15d)
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