Expenditure and Nober benef social assistance Heberg PH EPCI76 2018

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.08.04 00:00
Available languages
epci, geospatial, handicap
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This file indicates the number of beneficiaries of social assistance for accommodation for people with disabilities (PH), as well as the related expenditure, paid in respect of 2018, by EPCI of the commune of the emergency home (i.e. the EPCI to which the municipality where the aid is paid) in Seine-Maritime. Social Assistance for Accommodation (ASH) is funded by the Department. It allows persons with disabilities in residential or family care to receive assistance if their resources are less than the cost of receiving them. The application for admission to social assistance in accommodation must be submitted to the communal or intercommunal centre of social action of the domicile (CCAS or CIAS) or, failing that, to the town hall (see "Additional resources, below). Metadata [Link to metadata](https://seine-maritime.maps.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/273703fb3b324248a820e70be474857b/data) Additional resources * Website of the Seine-Maritime Department:[https://www.seinemaritime.fr/vos-services/personnes-handicapees-1/les-aides-et-prestations/laide-sociale-a-lhebergement.html](https://www.seinemaritime.fr/vos-services/personnes-handicapees-1/les-aides-et-prestations/laide-sociale-a-lhebergement.html) The site “Seine-Maritime.fr” is the official website of the Seine-Maritime Department. In particular, it presents the steps to be taken to apply for social assistance for the accommodation of persons with disabilities and file an application with the CCAS or the CIAS (forms to be downloaded). * Service-public site: [https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/N332](https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/N332) The “Public Service” website is the official website of the French administration, the single portal for administrative intelligence and access to online services, carried out in partnership with national and local administrations. The site offers a presentation of the different types of accommodation facilities, depending on the degree of autonomy of the person with a disability and the desired services. * Website Data DREES: [http://www.data.drees.sante.gouv.fr/](http://www.data.drees.sante.gouv.fr/ReportFolders/reportFolders.aspx) The DREES (Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics) is a directorate of the central administration of the health and social ministries. Its website offers, under the tab public reports/Aids and social benefits/departmental social assistance recipients/departmental social assistance expenditure, data on these themes, by Department, since 2000.
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