Expenditure on health insurance excluding hospital benefits per primary fund/department

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.06.16 22:11
Available languages
prestations, assurance-maladie, damir, sante
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This database contains all the monthly reimbursements made by the general sickness insurance scheme (excluding hospital services) **per primary fund/department**, by type of benefit (care and cash benefits), type of performer (doctors per specialty, dental surgeons, medical assistants, analytical laboratories, pharmacists, etc.) and by type of prescribers. Expenses are shown in amounts reimbursed and presented for reimbursement. As from 1 January 2020, the scope of reimbursements under the general sickness insurance scheme changes by integrating those of patients previously covered by the social scheme for the self-employed (RSI). The variable PRS_FAC_TOP is introduced in order to distinguish between the general regime stricto sensu and the former social scheme of the self-employed. Monthly tables in csv format are grouped into annual zip files. Two presentations are available: a complete version with variable labels and groupings for some variables and a simplified version, without the labels and without groupings. Users of the simplified tables may refer to the nomenclature lexicon. For health insurance expenditure, three other data sets, covering different fields, are proposed: — [sickness insurance expenditure excluding hospital benefits (national data)](https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/depenses-d-assurance-maladie-hors-prestations-hospitalieres-donnees-nationales/): database of all reimbursements (excluding hospital services) made by the general sickness insurance scheme in France; — [annual expenditure on health insurance](https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/depenses-annuelles-d-assurance-maladie/): scoreboards covering all reimbursements (including hospital services) made by the general sickness insurance scheme in metropolitan France; — [Open Damir: full base on inter-scheme health insurance expenditure](https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/open-damir-base-complete-sur-les-depenses-dassurance-maladie-inter-regimes/): database of all reimbursements (including hospital services invoiced directly to Sickness Insurance) made by all sickness insurance schemes in France.
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