Financial aid for the removal of degraded habitat and fragile condominiums

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.09.08 12:39
Available languages
habitat, aire-financiere
Quality scoring

Dataset description

In order to absorb degraded habitat and accompany fragile condominiums, GPSO has implemented specific aids * **PIG OHQ: individual assistance in private** In order to combat unworthy housing, GPSO has implemented since 2019 as part of the General Interest Programme “Habitat Quality”, a specific aid subject to resources, which is aimed at occupant owners and a specific assistance under condition of agreement of rents addressed to the landlord. This aid helps homeowners ** to finance heavy rehabilitation works in private units**. * **POPAC: aid to co-owners’ unions** GPSO put in place in April 2021 **specific aid under the Preventive Operational Programme for Co-ownership (POPAC)**, which are aimed at the unions of **co-owners of buildings identified as having operational, management and technical difficulties.** There are 3 types of aid: * Aid for **management and operation** (accounting audit, purchase of accounting software...) * Aid for **preliminary studies** (project management studies, pre-diagnostics, surveys) * Aid **for urgent work** (work necessary to lift a decree, prevention or/and resolution of structural disorders, repair or/and creation of electrical networks...) * **backup plan: aid to trade unions of co-owners/individual aid** As part of a backup plan, GPSO has set up a specific aid for buildings listed in a backup plan. There are 3 types of aid: * A **collective assistance to co-owners’ unions** (priority work, structures and rehabilitation of networks and prior studies) * A **individual assistance to homeowners** modest and very modest * A **management aid**
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