Form Geometre parcel division 20200204

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.01.24 01:11
Available languages
environnement, amenagement-foncier, geospatial
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Pursuant to Article 96 of Law No 2011-525 of 17 May 2011, the investigation of the parcel divisions is carried out by the Commission Départementale d’Aménagement Foncier de Seine-Maritime (CDAF 76). After the closure of a Land Development (or Rebundling) operation, “any project for the division of parcels within the scope of these operations[..], during the ten years following the closure of those operations...” must therefore obtain the agreement of CDAF 76. The request must be made through this form. In order to facilitate the processing of these requests, this document was created for the attention of surveyor firms. Metadata [Link to metadata]( Additional resources * Site of Foncier Planning in Seine-Maritime: []( This site provides general information on land development operations, whether they aim to improve the conditions of exploitation of agricultural or forestry properties, to ensure the development of rural natural areas or to contribute to the development of communal or intercommunal territory.
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