Foyers allocataires percevant la prestation d'accueil du jeune enfant (Paje) - par Commune

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.11.07 00:00
Available languages
commune, paje, clca, cmg
Quality scoring

Dataset description

__A from 2018 onwards the December duty month data are observed with a decrease of 6 months (final data) instead of 2 months (semi-definitive data). __ This dataset denotes the beneficiary households entitled to a Junior Child Reception Benefit (Paje). Set up in January 2004, the Paje is aimed at parents of children under the age of six. It meets the twofold objective of simplifying legislation for families of young children and promoting a ‘free choice’ of parents. It is paid for a child born or adopted and has four components: • the birth and/or adoption premium (means-tested); • Basic (means-tested) allowance for children under the age of 3 (or under 20 years for adopted children); • Free choice of activity supplement (CLCA) for any birth or adoption before 1 January 2015 (if you have ceased or reduced your professional activity to bring up your child (ren) under the age of 3 (or under the age of 20 in the case of adoption), then the shared child education care benefit (PreParE) for any birth or adoption after 31 December 2014); • the free choice of childcare supplement (CMG), where the child (s) under the age of 6 are cared for by an approved nursery assistant, by home care, by an authorised association or company or by a microcrèche. More detailed information on the Paje can be found on the site at the following link: Https:// Note that there is no payment threshold applied to the PAJE. The geographical field of observation of the dataset corresponds to the municipality of residence of the beneficiary household as recorded in the statistical file of beneficiaries for the month of entitlement, irrespective of which CAF managed the beneficiary file. The population of Mayotte is not eligible for Paje. • Qualified by the Authority for Public Statistics
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